Elevating financial management with the power of technology

Greater transparency and visibility into financial data and processes, which can help you understand the financial aspects of your interactions with the cloud


Elevating financial management with the power of technology

Eliminate the Risk of Cloud Stretch

Obtain a single organization-wide view of cloud spend, including setails on your cloud accounts, subscription, department, tag, region, inventory, and application.

Build a Cost Accountability Habit

Charge–back the cloud costs to affiliates, sub-companies, departments, or user groups. Group your cloud resources from different hyperscalers logically, and chase cost optimization opportunities

Identify Underutilized, Forgotten, and Idle Resources

Identify the inefficient cloud resources and configurations and act on them to avoid cost leakages.

Define Spending Thresholds

Allocate budgets to different cloud accounts, departments, and user groups. Track the actual spend against the budget.

Modules & Features

Streamline Billing Management

Managing Shared Cost & Cost Allocation

Forecasting & Spending Thresholds

Cost and Consumption analysis

Budget Management

Managing Anomalies

Resource Utilization & Efficiency

Resources Right Size & Cost Best Practices

Time to see the bigger picture

Unwind the power of your multi-cloud operation while eliminating the operational complexities, security risks, and unpredictable costs.

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